Alex's Senior Portrait Session

Finally! After many re-schedules due to COVID-19 and the weather, we finally got to give Alex the celebration she deserves! Shout-out to Alex and her mom for being so patient and kind during this crazy time.

I love when my seniors choose a sentimental place for their senior portraits. Alex's family has had property on the Wilmington River in Savannah, Georgia for about 100 years! While growing up, she would go here and play with her cousins. Alex told me they would run the (once abandoned) greenhouse like they owned the place. Can you think of a more sentimental place for senior portraits?! There were some many memories made on this beautiful property and I'm so happy I was able to capture this milestone and add yet another memory.

Alex had her senior prom cancelled due to the pandemic. Therefore, she didn't get to have the senior prom she dreamed of and didn't get the prom pics with her boyfriend, James. So. . . We tried to make up for it by having James step in for some of the pictures.

Alex, just being in your presence during our session I could tell you had a heart of gold. You are so sweet, mature, smart and just a beautiful young lady inside and out. I wish you all the best over your college career at Georgia Southern University! I cannot wait to see what your future holds!

Congratulations to Alex and the rest of Island High School Class of 2020!


Congratulations to the Class of 2020! Leave Alex some well wishes in the comments!

Let's capture your graduate's amazing achievement! Message me about scheduling a senior session!