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Top 8 Wedding Do's

I tell my couples ALL the time that planning a wedding is super fun and exciting. If there is ANYTHING I can do to keep it that way, throw it at me. I truly want it to be the best experience. After all, it’s one of the best days of your life.

Wedding Reception Dancing Savannah, Georgia Wedding Photographer blog about Wedding Do's and what to do at your wedding

There’s a lot that society expects for a wedding. . . But, in reality, you don’t have to do any of it. It’s your day for a reason. But. . . Over the past eight years of photographing love stories, I’ve learned a few things that I believe you should do. . . Most of these just eliminate any unneeded stress, embarrassment and help you avoid being a broke bride. Here’s my top eight wedding do’s. 

1.  Have a backup plan if your ceremony is outside

It may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many couples just go, “we’re just praying it doesn’t rain.” Just stay on the safe side and have a backup plan. You don’t want to get rained on and neither do your guests. Formal dresses do not look fashionable with rain boots - yes, I’ve seen it happen. 

Outdoor Wedding in Savannah, Georgia Wedding Photographer blog about Wedding Do's and what to do at your wedding

2. Plan your reception in a convenient location

If you are having your entire wedding at one location - Awesome! If you are not, be considerate of your guests. Don’t make your guests drive an unreasonable amount of time to the reception. If you can afford it, make plans to have transportation for guests from the ceremony location to the reception. Trust me on this one, I’ve had a wedding that the reception was an hour away from the church. Talk about some grumpy guests when they hit traffic. . . 

3. Make sure you are comfortable with all of your vendors

I make a point to each and every one of my couples that I want them to be 150% comfortable in their choice. It’s a big decision and I want them to be 150% confident. I don’t ever want to rush them. Make sure you are comfortable because this is one of the biggest milestones of your life. If you aren’t comfortable with them, don’t hire them. 

4. Hire a professional hair and makeup artist

You could be a makeup guru but on your wedding day. . . It’s not worth it. You will be stressed and critical. Just hire a professional. 

Professional Makeup Artist Savannah, Georgia Wedding Photographer blog about Wedding Do's and what to do at your wedding

5. Wear waterproof mascara

Trust me. I’ve heard the, “I don’t cry” and the ceremony hits and there’s mascara ALL over. 

6. Practice walking in your shoes

Girl, put your pajamas and your wedding heels on and walk around your house. Just practice. No one wants to be uncomfortable (or trip) on their wedding day, so break those babies in! (Bonus Tip: If your heels are uncomfortable, get a more comfortable pair for the reception)

7. Stick to your budget

We all wish we could be one of those brides with no budget. . . Unfortunately, we can’t all be one of them. Early on, sit down and figure out how much you (or whoever is paying for the wedding) can afford to spend and where to allot your money. Think about what is important to you. Is photography the most important because those photos are something you will have forever? Is the food the most important because you want to impress your guests? Build in some room for surprises that inevitably pop up. 

Also, be realistic with your budget. No photographer is going to document your 13 hour day for $1,000. *insert eye roll here*

8. Seat older guests away from loud music

Something most couples don’t think about when assigning seats. . . It’s a super easy (and free) thing to do that Great-Grandma will love you (even more) for! 

Like I said, it’s your day. Do whatever your heart desires. If you want to do your own hair and makeup, do it. If your ceremony and reception locations are an hour away from one another, but you can’t have your wedding day anywhere else, do it. It will be one of the best days of your life because you get to marry your best friend. Happy planning, y’all!

With Wedding Do's. . . Comes Wedding Don'ts. Be sure to check out MDB Photography's Top 8 Wedding Don'ts


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